The real feminism
When I think of feminism, I think I’m proud of being among the rare people who not only think they are feminists but know what it actually means. But, do I?
Feminism for me is not just a concept, it’s basically the roots for my mindset. Growing up in a household where my mother had to ask my father every time she wanted to visit her OWN mother, seeing how deep the patriarchy runs in my family, how my grandfather ’wanting’ his elder daughter-in-law to continue her studies was the biggest achievement and how if my father said it’s a no then it’s a no but if my mother says it’s a no it means my father might just say yes. Although I always used that last part to my benefit and my grandfather IS really the most open-minded person in terms of women in our society I know, I think that feminism will never be just another thing that I got to know through social media.
Let’s take a step back. So, what is feminism?
It is defined as a belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. Now, read the definition again, I didn't say ”more” rights, I said ”same” rights. Did you know that? Didn't think so.
Feminism is HUGELY mistaken to what we know as ’pseudo-feminism’. Pseudo-feminism has become so common that when some people say that they are not a feminist because they believe men should have rights too, they are actually talking about pseudo-feminists.
So, the basic questions are what makes a person feminist, how to identify a pseudo-feminist, and does feminism excludes every human being other than a girl or a boy?
Let’s have a look.
Being a feminist doesn’t take much of you but takes a lot of you at the same time. If you’re ready to listen to a lecture on ’boys get oppressed too’ and ’feminism is destroying the society by making everyone believe that all men are dogs’, then you’re definitely in for a treat. However, if the person saying ’boys are harassed too’ only when you or any other woman is speaking about her trauma then you know about the facade. What makes a person feminist is the thought process that makes you see the difference between a group of people that wants to see women on the top of the world and the people who want women to touch the threshold of being equal to men. What makes you a feminist is a belief that all humans should be treated with respect no matter what body type they have, the skin color they inherit, the religion they preach, or the class they belong to. What makes you a feminist is a belief that women empowerment is not only about letting women educate themselves but also about giving them the same treatment that would be given to men in the exact same circumstances. The people who say that you are a feminist because you want to drink alcohol and run naked on the road. You know what, I would love to have a drink with nothing but the emblem that has been given to me by nature and which has nothing to hide. Now, do you want to hit back by saying ’if being naked shouldn’t matter, why do you get offended when I ask for nudes?’ Honey, there is a difference between what we say is our choice, and what we say is your lust for invading our privacy. Not everyone who is a feminist agrees with being naked but everyone who is a feminist knows the type of thinking that this society has forced us to grow up with.
Identifying a pseudo-feminist isn’t as hard as you would believe it to be. ’I’m not like every other girl?’ ’Oh God, how is the length of her skirt not bothering her?’ ’Why would anyone believe her?’ ’WHY DIDN’T YOU REPORT?’ ’You could have prevented it’ Do you need more examples?
Feminism has never been about genders for me. Although it did start to be the fight for equality for women, now it is turning to be equality for transgender people, equality for bisexual, pansexual, gay, queer people, equality for humans.
Feminism is the only light I see in this world filled with darkness comprising of all types of people trying to push each other down when it should be the other way around.