Don't let your size , hinder your style
What is body shaming? And how is it so tragic? Body shaming is Thrivingly mocking you for your body structure or your complexion. "You are too fat", "you are too short", " You are too dark", "You shouldn't wear that".These little 'compliments' can make a person feel inadequate and hence can lead to a lack of self-esteem. People often breeds a habit of comparing themselves with someone that has a better "Appearance" and they start to degrade their own personality. Just to be clear, body shaming is not a positive criticism. It never is. In this age, social media is one of the most prominent reasons for so. Looking at a social media influencer and wanting that thin waistline, wanting to be fairer, is so mundane today. Hating your appearance can lead to serious disorders like anorexia and BDD which is not only mentally exhausting but affects a person physically as well. Beauty standards must be ceased, this is high time. Loving your body type, shape, the color should not just be a social media trend but also an internal acceptance. "Love yourself" should not just be the caption of your pictures but also the reality of your being.
What to do?
Maybe we've been victims of comments that gag and makes us want to hide, but perhaps we have been part of those who laughed, or worse, said something means to begin with.
Whoever we have been, it's never too late to change.
Here are some tips to deal with body shaming
* Know when to walk away. If a conversation you're involved in doesn't make you feel good, leave. Walk away from anyone who doesn't brings positivity in your life. Life is too short to spend dwelling on comments that are passed by people who don't matter.
*Inspire. Inspire others to have the guts you do. Tell people off for saying things they don't need to and reassure others to dress exactly the way they want to, irrespective of what anybody else thinks.
* There is a lot of optimism about the Internet, give or take a couple of trolls here and there. Bloggers and celebrities have started hitting back at haters, letting them know body-shaming is not something that will be taken lightly.
*Encourage empathy. There’s more than enough nastiness in the world to spread around twice over. Spread some empathy instead. Everybody is living with something they can’t tell you about, everybody has a story.
Healthy is truly the new skinny now, with model stereotypes no longer being represented by malnourished teenage somethings, and brands now include plus sizes. #MindYourOwnShape is thus the new trend online, showing visitors the real effects of body shaming while encouraging women to stand together against body-shamers. Simply because loving your body should never mean hating someone else’s
Here she walked
There they talked
laughed and mocked.
She embraced it like a rock
Yeah, the mirror became her foe
Sometimes she was a nerd and sometimes a hoe
The scrutinizing eyes
never gestured her love
they barfed on her like she was the fun
But when her wrist laid painted red
she saw none